Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The History and Possible Legalization of Marijuana Essay

Drug Laws There has never been a death from marijuana overdose. â€Å"A person would have to smoke 20,000 to 40,000 times the amount of THC in a joint to overdose† (Wing). Marijuana was classified as an illegal drug in 1970, because it can be abused very easily (â€Å"infoplease†). Marijuana was then grown indoors. Marijuana is illegally used by many people daily. Marijuana should be legalized because it is naturally grown and can be used to help cancer patients, relieve stress, and be used daily. Cannabis or typically referred to as marijuana is a drug that contains many other chemicals some are like a penicillin. Marijuana helps with many illnesses and diseases such as muscle spasms, nausea chemotherapy, weight loss from HIV, seizures, and†¦show more content†¦The recreational users did not disturb the community or cause problems, so marijuana was not considered a problem to society (â€Å"History of Marijuana†). Marijuana was considered as a Schedule I drug, du e to having no medical use. In Mexico during the 1970’s, the government chose to destroy the marijuana plants by spraying it with a toxic herbicide named Paraquat. The recreational users in Mexico were more worried about the toxins inside the plant due to the chemical destruction. Strict laws were passed due to possession of marijuana. People then relied on smuggled drugs. During the 1980’s, marijuana farms in America were being watched by the Drug Enforcement Administration. Since the DEA watched the farms, cultivators began to grow the plant in smaller, indoor green houses to make smaller plants that yielded more products. In the 1990’s most teenagers were beginning the trend of smoking marijuana (â€Å"History of Marijuana†). Marijuana is a good source of fiber and has been used for decades. Marijuana was first used in China as a medical treatment. It was used in North America for fiber. Marijuana was legal for medical uses from 1860 until 1942. It is known as a gateway drug. Many people believe that â€Å"marijuana is a powerful addictive drug that would lead users into narcotics† (â€Å"infoplease†). It is a proven fact that marijuana is a physical addiction not a mental addiction. Many people believe that marijuana leadsShow MoreRelatedMarijuana: Drug or Cure? Essay1191 Words   |  5 Pageshappens to be over the legalization of Marijuana. As of 1970 with the passing of The Controlled Substances Act the Federal Government officially classified marijuana as a schedule 1 drug with no real accepted medicinal use at the time (History of Marijuana). As the capabilities of science have progressed over time more and more scientific challenges have bombarded this decision so that more tangible research can be garnered from this plant. 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