Friday, December 27, 2019

Leadership Styles Of Leadership Style - 1399 Words

What is leadership? Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines leadership as â€Å"the power or ability to lead other people†. Although this is simply put, it is also correct. But leadership is much more than the ability to lead. The ability is one piece of the puzzle. Other pieces to consider in leadership are education, attributes, and style, just to name a few. In this assignment, I will focus on leadership style. Specifically, I will discuss my style according to the assessment developed by The University of Kent in the UK. After taking the assessment, it was determined that my style is Participative. Participative leadership is Democratic and focuses on a collaborative effort from the team. Participative leaders rely on the team’s ideas and abilities instead of making all the decisions on their own (Murdock, K. 2014). Although the leader makes the final decision, the team has the freedom to contribute to decisions being made. Teamwork is an essential attribute for Participative leaders. As a Participative leader, you must possess the ability to set aside your ego, listen to the team, and give the team freedom to make their own decisions. In reviewing my results, I was not shocked by the fact that I as fit the mold of a Participative Leader. I’ve never been the type to rule with an Iron Fist. I don’t believe in a â€Å"my way or the Highway approach. I’m a collaborative individual and I rely heavily on the people around me to achieve a specific goal. Reason being,S how MoreRelatedLeadership Styles : Leadership Style780 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Leadership style is designed according to a pioneer s behaviors, which is enveloped under behaviorist theory. Inside of this class, distinctive examples of leadership behavior are watched and classified as leadership styles. Practicing managers have a tendency to be the most keen on looking into this specific theory in light of the fact that with it leaders can modify their style taking into account the convictions, values, inclinations and society of the association they work for.Read MoreLeadership Styles And Leadership Style1026 Words   |  5 PagesThe fourth subject is the leadership style. As of right now the company is an autocratic style. This means that there is less communication involved. â€Å"In an autocratic leadership style, the person in charge has total authority and control over decision making.† (Leadership Toolbox) The leadership style mainly effects the employees. The reason for this is because with an autocratic leadership, there is less communication. The employees have opinions in the business and they want to share thoseRead MoreLeadership Style Of Leadership Styles897 Words   |  4 PagesThe last style of leadership is delegative leadership in which the leader delegates tasks to the employees. This leader is able to derive satisfaction from allowing the staff to participate in decision making responsibilities (Brody and Nair, 2014, p. 4). These leadership styles are not set in stone and characteristics may overlap into other leaderships styles. The leadership style that would best suit a rural area is participate leadership style. In rural areas agencies and organizations lack resourceRead MoreLeadership Styles And Leadership Style851 Words   |  4 Pageswant to give critical thought to your unique leadership style and foster genuine followership, learn from what’s out there a nd weave it into something meaningful and authentic.† (Feiner, 2015) For the last two weeks, I have spent time self-analyzing and soul searching to identify the qualities I bring to a leadership role. Many of the core values important to me also align between the participative leadership style and laissez-faire leadership style. These values include working in a team environmentRead MoreThe Leadership Style Of Leadership Styles1994 Words   |  8 Pagesthat leadership is a kind of ability or activity which a leader could straight affect and guide their followers to achieve certain objectives in the specific situation (John Calvin Maxwell,2011). The shifting internal elements and increasing external competitions have posed growing demanding to managers’ leadership approaches. However, managers are provided with various personalities or perspectives, accordingly, managers are not accomplishing their aims by using similar styles. The leadership styleRead MoreLeadership Styles : Leadership Style995 Words   |  4 PagesLeaders are expected to use a leadership style, communication skills, and their knowledge of interpersonal and team dynamics to create an appropriate quality of work life for their followers in the workplace. A leadership style is a combination of a leader’s attitude, expertise, character, and values that is exhibited in the leader’s behavior. Each style of leadership reflects a leader’s beliefs about a follower’s capabilities. A follower’s perception of leadership style really matters to them, as theyRead MoreLeadership Style Of Leadership Styles934 Words   |  4 PagesThere is much that is written about leadership; like books on leadership styles, techniques and also biographies of leaders that have inspired people to action. While this is true, there is the everyday leadership and a slightly different outlook to leadership as well. Here are a few of them. 1. There Are Different Kinds of Leaders Among leaders are formal and informal leaders. Formal leaders are elected to their positions like congressmen, senators and office bearers of clubs. Informal leadersRead MoreLeadership Styles : Leadership Style979 Words   |  4 Pagestheir own leadership style. In her article, Johnson (n.d.) discusses five leadership styles: Laissez-Faire, autocratic, transactional, transformational and participative. Laissez-Faire has a French origin and it means â€Å"a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering† (Oxford dictionaries, 2016). When leaders take total control, such as making all decisions alone and does not ask for the input of the employees, they are using the autocratic leadership style. ThisRead MoreLeadership Style Of Leadership Styles Essay1433 Words   |  6 Pagesprobably feel as if they know enough about leadership to speak on the subject. In many cases, however, this is not truly the case at all. Leadership is a broad concept , and there are several different styles and approaches to consider when studying the topic. It is important to consider these styles and approaches when evaluating the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of any particular form of leadership. With that in mind, this essay will consider the leadership styles of two leaders who are involved in theRead MoreLeadership Styles Of Leadership Style1088 Words   |  5 PagesConsider what leadership or management style speaks most to you. Discuss that particular style, explain why it fits you better than others. Alternatively, consider the leadership or management style fits you least. Explain what is least desirable with that style from your perspective. What leadership or management style speaks most to me? They are a few leadership styles that I venerate. The Transformational Leadership, the Visionary Leadership, and the Charismatic Leadership styles are the most

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Psychoactive Drugs Can Have On An Individual s Brain

To fully understand the affects that psychoactive drugs can have on an individual’s brain, one has to first define the term, dissect the history and use, know what factors cause addiction, and what leads to drug dependency. What is a psychoactive drug? A psychoactive drug, psycho-pharmaceutical, or psychotropic is a chemical substance that changes brain function and results in alterations in perception, mood, or consciousness (drug, n.d). Typically the term drug alone can be seen or associated with a positive or negative view. For example, when an individual is under the weather suffering from cold-like symptoms, they may take cough syrup to aid them into recovery sooner. Whereas an individual who is perfectly healthy may take this same†¦show more content†¦Opioids have long been valued for their effect on the gastrointestinal system due their ability to quieting coughing (codeine) and counteracting diarrhea. One of the most popular forms of opium used today medically is morphine. Although opioids are the most effective medication in aiding chronic pain and many other issues, it has been given a bad rap as a very addictive substance when not monitored correctly or taken in moderation. What causes addiction? .No one single factor can determine why psychoactive drugs have a tendency to become addictive. On the contrary the more risk factors a person has, the greater the chance that taking drugs will lead to abuse and addiction. Learned behavior such as classical learning is one factor that can lead to addiction and later abuse. Through classical conditioning one can pair the pleasure of addictive substances or activities with environmental cues. For example, suppose someone smokes a cigarette in their car after work. The enjoyment of smoking a cigarette forms a paired association with riding in the car, as well as the time frame after work. By repeatedly pairing cigarettes-with-car, and cigarettes-after-work, both the car and after-work will become cues to smoke cigarettes. Then these cues (getting into the car, getting off work) may create powerful cravings for nicotine. Another

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Total Quality Management Of Domino’s Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Total Quality Management Of Dominos. Answer: Introduction Dominos Pizza is a large fast food chain network and it has various outlets in Australian states also. They are popular across the globe for serving and delivering the pizza to its customers. The Dominos company is working on the franchise basis and they have the maximum number of franchise stores across the globe. In Australia only, they have reached to the number of 2000 stores. They have adopted the technique of providing adequate quality goods and services in order to develop goodwill in the fast food industry and along with this, they have been continuously working on improving the quality services and the products to satisfy the customer' requirements and to meet the customers' expectations. Being the manager of the organization, it was analyzed that certain issues are being faced by the organization which is resulting in the declining performance of the organization. In order to avoid these issues, I suggested the upper-level management to adopt certain quality improvement techniques for increasing the efficiency of the organization as well as to match up with the customers' expectations. Survey Plan-do-act-check Under this report, analysis of the issues faced by the organization will be discussed and along with the analysis of the issues, adequate options will be adopted to resolve those issues to attain the organizational objectives. Discussion on the quality management techniques will also be performed under this report (refer 3). Challenges faced by Dominos The basic issue was the late delivery. Domino's provides its customers the service of delivering pizzas and other stuff from their menu to the customers' doorstep without any additional cost. For performing this function, the certain duration of time is promised to the customers to get the order delivered. But organizational delivery people were failing to perform the same in the particular period of time due to high traffic in the city areas (He, Zha Li, 2013). Another big issue which was Domino's was facing is improper control over the management of inventory and other things. It was leading to the issues like the waste generation. As they are dealing with the perishable type of goods hence; adequate utensils and techniques are used to preserve them for longer usage. Due to lack of management control, an organization was struggling with the decreasing profit, complaints from customers regarding the quality of products, etc. Selection of techniques First technique implemented in the workplace of the Domino's surveys and this is the best and most effective technique for increasing the productivity and efficiency of the organization. The major reason behind an adaptation of survey technique is to determine the precise challenges faced by the employees and the customers (Mitra, 2016). This will help the organizational management to understand the customers and employees requirements and adequate set of methods could be implemented in the organization in order to achieve the desired goals and objectives of the organization. Randomly customers were asked to share their views in relevance with the services and products offered to them. Apart from this, organizational employees were also asked to share their reviews in order to improve the functionalities of the organization (refer 2). Plan-do-act-check refers to the controlling system. Under this, immediate actions are taken in order to gain the immediate results. Apart from this, plan-do-act-check also helps the organization to reduce the deviations faced by them in recent times (Dale, 2015). As Dominos is known for their quality and the commitment delivery hence; it is the duty of the management of the Dominos to maintain the goodwill of the brand through delivering adequate goods and services to the customers. The organization is struggling with various issues such as decreasing quality of the products, lack of managerial control over the various activities of the organization. Hence, these techniques are adopted and implemented in the workplace of Dominos in order to regain their market image (refer 1). Tools of quality management Above chart defines the survey process used for improving quality of the products and services. This process will be conducted within the organization as well as outside the organization in order to increase the efficiency of the organization. The first stage of this process addresses the issues faced by the organization. After analysis of the issues, customers and employees are asked to share their views in order to match with their executions. One of the most effective and efficient resolutions will be implemented within the workplace for the attainment of desired goals amongst the various views obtained from customers (Nadeem, et. al., 2013). The best alternative for conduction of survey process is the questionnaire. It includes all those questions through an organization is struggling and there is a scope for improving (refer 2). The aforesaid figure shows the process of a plan-do-act-check model which was originally invented by an American engineer, Dr. W. Edwards Deming. This process has been evaluated in four stages i.e. Plan: An appropriate plan is identified and evaluated as per the organizational structure of the Domino's. After identification process, adequate steps will be taken to assume the results through implementation so that adequate plan could be selected (Willemink, et. al., 2013). Do: Plan selected in the above process is being implemented in order to increase the efficiency of the organization. Alternatively, it could also be known as the execution process. Check: Under this phase, previous plans of the organization are checked with the newly adopted plans to analyze the issues as well as to gain the adequate results. The efficiency of this step could be analyzed through evaluating the chances under which organization could match up with the targets set up by the upper-level management (refer 1). Act: Under this stage of this process to rectify the issues faced by the organization, plans selected are implemented. After execution of the plans, adequate methods are also adopted which could provide managerial control over the functionalities of the Dominos (Bishop, Fody Schoeff, 2013). Implementation of techniques Being the manager of the Domino's company, I analyzed the two techniques for increasing the efficiency of the organization and to overcome the challenging situations facing the organization. Following is the process discussed for the implementation of the tools: Survey: In order to regain the efficiency of the organization and to overcome the issues of the faced by the organization, survey technique is adopted. In this technique, customers could share their views for improving the delivery services through providing advanced vehicles and updated tools through which delivery boy could easily get the directions for the customers address. On the other hand, employees could also share their experiences in which they feel struggled. After analysis of all these things, an adequate technique will be adopted to maintain the brand value of the organization in the Australia (Goetsch Davis, 2014). Plan-do-act-check: It was the duty of the manager to gather the information in relevance with the challenges which were reducing the efficiency of the organization. Subsequently, an action plan will be implemented to reduce those implications and the challenges. It was analyzed that after implementing these two tools for improving the effectiveness of the organization, Dominos efficiency has been increased and along with the increasing efficiency, desired goals are also achieved by the organization across the Australia (Taylor, et. al., 2013). Conclusion It was observed from the report that plan-do-act-check and the survey techniques were so effective in reducing the impacts of the challenges faced by the organization as well as the organizations workplace becomes capable enough to gain the desired goals. Additionally, Domino's was also able to control over its inventories and meeting the consumers' expectations. References Bishop, M.L., Fody, E.P. Schoeff, L.E. eds., 2013,Lippincott Williams Wilkins, Clinical chemistry: principles, techniques, and correlations. Dale, B., 2015, John Wiley Sons, Ltd, Total quality management. Goetsch, D.L. Davis, S.B., 2014,Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson, Quality management for organizational excellence. He, W., Zha, S. Li, L., 2013, Social media competitive analysis and text mining: A case study in the pizza industry,International Journal of Information Management,33(3), pp.464-472. Mitra, A., 2016,John Wiley Sons, Fundamentals of quality control and improvement. Nadeem, E., Olin, S.S., Hill, L.C., Hoagwood, K.E. Horwitz, S.M., 2013, Understanding the components of quality improvement collaboratives: a systematic literature review,The Milbank Quarterly,91(2), pp.354-394. Taylor, M.J., McNicholas, C., Nicolay, C., Darzi, A., Bell, D. Reed, J.E., 2013, Systematic review of the application of the plandostudyact method to improve quality in healthcare,BMJ Qual Saf, pp.bmjqs-2013. Willemink, M.J., Leiner, T., de Jong, P.A., de Heer, L.M., Nievelstein, R.A., Schilham, A.M. Budde, R.P., 2013, Iterative reconstruction techniques for computed tomography part 2: initial results in dose reduction and image quality,European radiology,23(6), pp.1632-1642.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Slavery After Emancipation Essays - Reconstruction Era,

Slavery After Emancipation contact me to receive the sources used After President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, former slaves took on a new role in American society. This role was one of more significance and self worth than in slavery, but this class of freedmen was anything but appreciated. Without the manpower of the slaves, the south's agricultural society would fail, and without the agriculture there would be little money or food in the south. The passing of the Louisiana Black Code in 1865, confirmed that whites felt as if blacks could not handle the responsibility or the rights of true citizens. Whites thought they did not deserve these rights because they were inferior to themselves and simply less than human. These restrictions were so harsh; it is, as slavery had never ended. The blacks were free, however many of the negroes everyday rights were abolished. Section 3, of the Louisiana Black Code states ?No negro shall be permitted to rent or keep a house within said parish.? Section 9 declares that ?No negro shall sell, barter, or exchange any articles of merchandise or traffic within said parish.? And one of the worst of these codes is in Section 4 of the Louisiana Black Code. ?Every negro is required to be in the regular service of some white person, or former owner, who shall be held responsible for the conductor of said negro.? (Doc 1) This was basically returning payed-slavery. Many blacks remained on these farms and plantations because they did not know what else they could do after emancipation. However, now they were being forced into staying because few knew anything other than farming. In December of 1865, Congress voted to stamp out these codes. Testimony to the southern white sentiment showed what would have happened if states were allowed to employ their own laws in regards to slavery. (Boyer, 503) Blacks soon develop a sense of freedom and want to create lives for themselves. They do not want to remain in a place and continue to be employed by those who previously treated them as animals. Mr. Lewis, a former slave, tells a planters wife, Mrs. Henry, I want to move away and feel ontirely free and see what I cen do by myself.? Even kind masters, like the Henry's, lost many slave due to the want and need of freedom. (Doc 2) Charles Davenport stated ?Freedom meant us could leave where us'd been born and bred, but it meant, too, dat us had to scratch for our ownselves.? (Doc 5) Outsiders made independence nearly impossible though. The sharecropping system, in which most had worked before, was still the only employment available and certainly the only work blacks knew as familiar. Rural merchants tried to give blacks a chance for employment, but often forced them into a position where they would sharecrop. (Boyer, 520) The Ku Klux Klan was also had a devastating effect on both the black mind and body. The Klan greatly influenced the black freedom. Klan members would harass, beat, and even kill those blacks that did not take the clans advice, usually telling them to vote democratic. One man was taken out by the Klan, beaten, and was told to promise he would ?vote the democratic ticket.? He responded by saying ?I don't know how I will vote; it looks hard when a body thinks this way and that way to take a beating.? (Doc, 5) Enforcement Acts attempted to reduce the Ku Klux Klan's activities. These Enforcement Acts first goal was to protect black voters themselves. The elections would also be federally supervised. These Acts went another step forward by limiting the rights of those whom disadvantaged or impeded blacks voting. The president was also given the power and authority to position federal troops in an area declared to be under rebellion of these laws. Unfortunately, Grant withdrew many federal troops positioned throughout the south and disabled an effective way of enforcing the Acts. (Boyer, 515) Black family and social life began to steadily improve. Family dynamics were turning toward more traditional ways with the man was at the head of the household completing most of the manual labor. ?the negro women are not disposed to field work,

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Of Mice And Men By Steinbeck Report Essays - English-language Films

Of Mice And Men By Steinbeck Report The novel Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is about two ranch hands, George and Lennie. George is a small, smart-witted man, while Lennie is a large, mentally- handicapped man. They are trying to raise enough money to buy their own ranch, by working as ranch hands. During the setting of the story, they are at a ranch whose owner's name is Curley. It is in this setting that the novel reveals that the main theme is death and loss. Lennie accidentally killing all of his pets establishes that the theme of this novel is death and loss. These pets consist of mice, dogs, kittens, etc. Lennie loves to feel and pet animals, but he does not know his own strength. He kills them without really noticing what he has done, until George tells him that he did something wrong. After being scolded, Lennie is very remorseful about what he did. Once, after being yelled at Lennie says, "I pinched their heads a little and then they was dead- because they were so little (13)." Lennie's remorse is probably more for upsetting George than it is for actually killing the animal. Another way that death and loss is evidenced by this novel is when Lennie killed Curley's wife. When Lennie is in the barn (after killing his new puppy) Curley's wife came into the barn and came on to Lennie. Lennie not knowing what was happening let her lull him into touching her hair. To Lennie it was like petting any other animal. Curley's wife became flustered when Lennie became scared and would not let go of her hair. She started to scream and Lennie tried to cup her mouth, which concluded in him killing her. Lennie was truly remorseful after this action. Soon after killing her Lennie can be heard saying to himself, "I done a bad thing. I done another bad thing (121)." The final confirmation of the death and loss theme occurred to George, not Lennie. After going to the place where George had told him to go if anything went wrong, Lennie lays and waits in the brush for George to come get him. What Lennie wasn't expecting was George to come with a posse of ranch hands with him. The ranch hands were not quite there, when George shot Lennie in the back of the head to save him the pain the posse would do to him. After he shot him "the brush seemed filled with cries (140)", which symbolizes the loss of George after shooting Lennie. This was a truly great loss for him since Lennie was his best friend. Of Mice and Men is a very sad and depressing story that contains many deaths of many living creatures. Many people had a loss from these deaths, especially George. He had to shoot his best friend. This can possibly be the greatest loss of all, because without friends, where would we be?

Sunday, November 24, 2019

A Reflection On Paul Hindemith Essays - Harmony, Ballet Composers

A Reflection On Paul Hindemith Essays - Harmony, Ballet Composers A Reflection On Paul Hindemith Paul Hindemith was revolutionary and a musical genius. Many people who lived around the same time saw him as nothing more than an untalented noisemaker. Granted, these people didnt have all of the various forms of music that we have today, but untalented would not be a word I would use to describe Paul Hindemith. He helped begin the last great change in classical music from the Romantic Era, which was very tonal and diatonic, to 20th Century Modern Music, which is extremely atonal. Diatonic means within in the key. In other words, everything sounds nice and pretty. There are no weird noises, no funny pitches. Atonal itself is defined as the avoidance of the traditional musical tonality, or in laymans terms, it sounds very weird. Paul Hindemith was born in the German State of Hesse in 1885, and grew up in Germany. After he completed his studies at the Conservatory of Frankfurt-am-Main, he was appointed conductor of the opera orchestra (1915-1923). In 1921, he also helped organize the famous Amar-Hindemith Quartet, in which he played viola. In 1927, he became the composition teacher at the Musikhochschuk in Berlin (Germany). In 1934, Hitler banned his work in Germany because of its extreme modernism. Around the same time, Hindemith was forced to flee the country of his birth after being openly Heppner - 2 opposed to Hitler and the doctrines of Goebbels. (Emory University, website). The doctrines were documents written by Dr. Joseph Goebbels recording the history of the Nazi party (Encyclopedia Britanica Online). In late 1939, he moved to the United States, and became the composition professor at Yale University. He was only there until World War II ended. After the war, he returned to Europe to take the position of the professor of composition at Zurich University. He died from a heart attack in a hospital in Frankfurt in December of 1963. The earliest known works of Hindemith were written in the year 1913. There were four main pieces, which were all written in a composition class taught under Arnold Mendelssohn at the Hoch Conservatory, which is located in Frankfurt, Germany. Theyre all considered student works. That creates a problem for historians, because normally only one copy was written. All of his early music was lost, unpublished, or only bits and pieces. The first masterpiece he wrote that is still very popular today is the Concerto in Eb for Violoncello and Orchestra, Opus 3. Later on when asked about it, Hindemith stated, I like this piece very much, particularly the first movement; the other two do not seem to me to have come off so well. I soon found out that I would have to try something else (The Larousse Encyclopedia of Music). . Through his work, Hindemith, like most composers show whats going on both in his life and in the world. His String Quartet in F Minor, Opus 10, also known as his First String Quartet, written between February and May of 1918 is a prime example of Heppner - 3 this. The end of WWI was nearing, and Germany was staring right into the face of defeat. This is portrayed with movements that are very dark and somber. Like any of the great composers, there are characteristics which make Hindemiths music his. His melodies often incorporated an interval of a fourth, as well as diatonic seconds. These, especially in the Classical and Romantic Eras of Music, were considered unbreakable rules, especially when writing for singers. They were avoided whenever possible, due mainly to the fact that theyre extremely hard to hear and sing. Other unique characteristics of Hindemiths music are the occasional use of Gregorian chants. An example of this is found in what is disputably his best Opera, Mathis der Maler. He frequently used dissonant counterpoint (a second melody which usually counters the main melody) with the use of fugato and imitative writing. A real turning point came in his music in the 1930s, around the time Hitler came to power in Germany. In his early works, he experimented with expressionism, jazz, atonality, parody and satire. From the 1930s on, he was more of a serious composer, and used forms including the canon (which is a round the same

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Evaluative argument Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Evaluative argument - Assignment Example Hence, the two sides agree on one thing that video games should be played sparingly to enable an individual balance with work or assigned duties because of its addictive nature. This paper will focus on the effects of video games. Most video games have negative implications for children or adults because they shape the way individuals thinks and modifies their behaviors. For instance, some video games such as â€Å"Mortal Combat† contain violence, which affects the behavior of the player (Mullan 5). This makes the player develop aggressive thoughts, feelings, and actions towards the third party (Mullan 5). Similarly, it makes the players develop decreased pro-social of helping making it have a harmful effect. The violent nature of video games is because of its interactive nature since the players are rewarded for being violent (Mullan 7). In addition, the players become in control of the violence experience through killing, stabbing, shooting, among others depending on the programming of the game (Greitemeyer 500). Hence, the active participation makes the players learn the violent behaviors, which they might exercise after the end of the game (Mullan 7). Secondly, video games make the players become socially isolated since they spend most of their time playing games than interacting with other peers (Kim, Byungjoon and Robert 22). Those who become addicted to video games spend little or no time to do their homework, read, sports and interact with family members, hence contributing to their isolation. In many cases, a child who is used to interacting with the game finds pleasure in games than bonding with family members. This makes others lock themselves as they play the game. In other instances, gamers stay away from others whom they feel interferes with their gaming ability. For this reason, many children will abscond their duties assigned to create